Nothing New Under the Sun Will Has Been Will Be Again

Hauser Beach Trip 2009 June 23, 2009

We have spent the last three days in Ft Morgan Alabama at the embankment.  The whole family has made the journey and we are staying in a embankment house together.  Nosotros have enjoyed letting the kids play together and bask the dominicus and sand.  The men went offshore fishing today.


Opening Day Tournament March 12, 2009


It was Opening Twenty-four hour period weekend for the Spring Baseball season this past weekend.  The boys had a parade and opening day festivities.  Will too had a tournament that began on Friday evening and information technology was a sudden expiry tournament.  He made it all the way to the Championship game which they won!  Information technology was so much fun and his first tournament championship!  Promise it is a sign of the season for him!

#3 Feb 28, 2009


Yep, that's right, that is Sage with his socks pulled upward over his sweat pants, eating a cheese stick and sucking water out of a "set up my hair delight mommy" squirt bottle!  He is #3 after all!

Sharing Popcorn December 12, 2008


One of Reid's favorite things on the planet is popcorn.  Awhile back he had a large bowl and Sage got ahold of some and LOVES it besides! I know, I know, totally against the rules to give the curly headed, one year old one of the great choking hazards, but he hears it in the microwave and waits like a puppy begging for his care for!  So he and Reid share the bowl.  Too beautiful!


Snowfall…seriously! December 10, 2008

We had snow today.  Someone mentioned at schoolhouse that it was to snow tonight and I laughed.  Seriously, I do not get to keep up with the weather anymore, just I should when they mention snowfall. And hither it is and the boys loved it and it left as quickly equally information technology came!

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Twilight Nov xv, 2008


I do not read the fad books of the year.  I do not usually pick things off the New York Times bestseller listing.  I more often than not avoid book serial.  I NEVER read anything I remember will be scary.  I avert vampires, werewolves, decease, blood, Steven King, etc.  I am breaking my own cocky imposed rules.

In October I was sitting in the Starbucks drive through and listening to the Fizz (ok, there should be rules against that equally well) I heard the DJ's talking about the large movies of the year.  They mentioned that what was in the running for the biggest box part blowout had non even been released however and they mentioned the proper name Twilight and the fact that it was all the rage with teenagers and virtually vampires.  In my own cocky righteousness, I thought of my ain self imposed literary snobish rules and all the reason teenagers should not be reading such garbage and become back to the classics.  (Yeah, I was listening to the Fizz)!

After I got to school that day, my friend, coworker and booklover, Stephanie told me how wonderful Twilight was.  Nope, not going to read that garbage.  But, she talked me into it…

I finished all iv in two weeks.  I would love to know the page count merely information technology must be around 2000 pages.  The books are incredible, in so many means and captivating!  Who knew vampires could be so engaging?!

Read them…you will not be disappointed.  And yes, I accept tickets to the 12:01 am showing this Thursday!  Would posting a count down clock below and a pic of myself in a Twilight t-shirt at the pic theater be overboard?

Fall Ball

This year nosotros signed both Volition and Reid upwardly for autumn brawl.  It is the first time Reid has played a sport so we are excited about this flavour.

Will plays for the Atlanta Braves in the vii/8aa segmentation, auto pitch.  He has a wonderful motorcoach this yr named "Omnibus Bryan" and dissimilar last flavour, he does non cuss or throw his clip board.  It is redeeming!


Tommy is Reid's coach, which I am not certain will always happen once again.  Information technology takes an unusually patient human to passenger vehicle K-brawl.  Distractions in the five twelvemonth one-time world run rampant, and patience in the xxx twelvemonth one-time earth runs thin.  Bad combination, but Reid has had fun.


Volition tested the waters by throwing his helmet across the field after striking a pop fly that was caught by the third baseman.  He told me he thought that was adequate considering he saw information technology on Tv set.  Lovely!  Some other season, in the books!

Caesar or Mullet? September 24, 2008

Ok, and so to pacify my husband and keep him from cutting off the curls, I decided to cut Sage'southward bangs. Hmmmm…not exactly what I had in mind!  So, allow me know what nosotros should call this haircut…the caesar or the mullet?

First Day of School Baronial 25, 2008

We started school today with Reid in Pre-Kindergarten and Volition in First Grade!  Will's teacher is Mrs. Yolanda Fiek and Reid's teacher is Mrs. Nicole Odom.  Nosotros are blest with wonderful teachers!



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