Things to Be Thankful For

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In the midst of our struggles to escape the rat race, or while we are complaining about how miserable our nine to v prisons are, nosotros sometimes forget to take a step back and appreciate all the things we have to exist thankful for.  I know I'm guilty of it. So today, instead of writing about finance and how it affects our lives, I'thou going to write about all the things I'm thankful for. And amazingly, there are then many things in my life that I should be thankful for, I probably won't be able to address them all in this one post.  That's a beautiful thing, isn't it?

Things to be Thankful For

My Upbringing and family unit

I've written a few posts nigh my upbringing already- I talked about my lower middle-form background and what my mom taught me virtually finance. I don't know if I mentioned it in either of those ii posts, merely I am incredibly thankful for my upbringing. My parents didn't have much, but they always had our all-time interests at heart and did everything they could to make sure we were taken care of. My father drilled the fact that I was going to college into my head for as long equally I could remember.

I recognize that there are millions of kids who didn't have parents who cared that much. At that place are millions of kids whose parents worked so much just to provide their bones needs that they didn't have time to offer the kind of support that I got. There are also a agglomeration of kids who grew up wealthy, and didn't have to work to succeed. Although that would take been nice, I'm glad that my parents instilled a strong work ethic into me.

I'm not just thankful for my parents though. I have ii awesome siblings, and a pretty fantastic extended family. We may not be able to see each other often, but when we assemble information technology's like no fourth dimension has passed. It's amazing.

My Job

I may not like my job, but I am thankful to have it. It pays well, it is slightly related to my college major, and the hours are expert. I also take a off-white corporeality of autonomy when it comes to how to run my department. And let'southward be honest, having this job is what put me on the path towards financial independence in the get-go place. I know that in that location are tons of bloggers on the path with lower incomes, and I but don't know how they do it. They are freaking super stars! I'yard not certain I would take had the willpower if I didn't make what I do. And so although I mutter virtually it on occasion, I really am thankful to accept it.

My Dearest Bunny

I know first manus what it's like to be in an emotionally abusive relationship, and that makes me fifty-fifty more thankful to finally exist with a person who loves, supports, and appreciates me. Our human relationship isn't perfect (what human relationship is?) and unfortunately, he really sucks with coin, but I've never been with someone who makes me feel so loved and supported. And he's learning to be meliorate with money! He'southward even willing to discuss all his money bug on our awesome podcast. It'due south then amazing to have a partner who actually wants to help me with my projects. He's the best.

If I could offering ane slice of communication to anyone who is struggling with an abusive partner it would be this: Leave. Life is brusk, and it can be and then much better. I know how hard information technology is to leave, I really practise. Only it's worth it. I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life, and virtually of it is due to his support.

My Health

I'm very thankful that I've been blessed with skillful health. I've had a few pocket-sized problems, simply nothing that would prevent me from working or perusing my dreams. I know that lots of people are able to excel while dealing with physical or mental ailments, and that just makes things a picayune harder. I'm fortunate that I haven't had to deal with those things.

My Friends

Family doesn't end in claret (Supernatural!), and I have some awesome friends who prove that. I have so many astonishing people in my life that I know I volition be ok no matter what happens. I take people that I tin can accomplish out to if I'm struggling, and you don't really realize how important that is until y'all demand it. My friends have helped me through tough patches and accept been at that place to celebrate my wins with me. I wouldn't be the person I am now if I didn't take them in my life, and I'chiliad thankful for each and every 1 of them, even if I don't become to see them that often.

Then Many Things

There are so many things to be thankful for, information technology's incommunicable to list them all in one blog post. I hitting on the biggest ones, simply there are so many little things that I'one thousand thankful for every mean solar day. I'm thankful for the food I can become buy at the grocery store, I'm thankful that I can safely drive through my country, I'm thankful for the opportunities available in my country, and I'thousand thankful for the internet.

Thanksgiving generally is the day that we pause to think about all these things, but lets try to be thankful for these large and piddling things every day. Nosotros all do have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are y'all thankful for?

"things to be thankful for"
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